Today was a GREAT day! After waking up and having breakfast we engaged in devotions, worship, and prayer. This morning we reflected on the sovereignty of God and how majestic and incomprehendable it is that he has chosen us as his servants to spread his message of truth and through it all glorify his name. We traveled 2 hours outside of Guatemala city to the village of El Astillero. It was muy caliente (very hot)!! We brought fans and surrounded each station with the fans to keep it somewhat cool. We were 100 ft. above sea level and near the equator which made the temperature and humidity very high. We set up our stations as we had previously done on Saturday and we set to work! We saw 128 patients today and 12 accepted the Lord as their personal Savior!! The stories of these people's lives are absolutely unbelievable and it makes you so grateful for the privileges and blessings the Lord has given us in the States. We broke for lunch in the village which we brought ourselves and then after lunch more patients came to the clnic. On our way back we ran into some heavy rain! In Guatemala they have two seasons, rainy season and dry season each lasting 6 months. We arrived in Guatemala on the day that rainy season begins but so far have not had rain until today on the journey back to the misison house. We were grateful that the rain began after the clinic because the mud and bugs would have been having a field day!! Tonight we will have dinner and debriefing and then another early morning tomorrow as we head out to do another medical clinic in another village. It is an Indian village and we will be in the mountains 7,000 ft. above sea level. We are all having a wonderful time together and the team has become so unified, praise the Lord! We have had some memorable moments such as Grace (team member) saying "goodnight" to a Doctor (buenos noches in spanish) and instead saying "buenos nachas" which means in spanish (good butts). As Wayne (another team member) says, "We certainly do not have a lack for personality on this team".....how diplomatic of him:) So thank you for your continued prayer and encouragement! We love reading your blog comments and are so excited to share with you the inspiring stories of our ministry here! P.S. Happy Birthday (Feliz Cumpleanos) to Kristin who celebrated her birthday today!
Grace...Buenos Nachas! I'm so glad you are all having a great trip:) We are praying for you back here in the states!
Hola Jennifer!!!! Estoy muy orgullosa de ti y que nuevamente tengas la opurtunidad de tener esta esperiencia tan maravillosa. Todos estan en mis oracienes de que el Senor los siga iluminando y bendiciendo en todo momento. Mucho carino!
You are all in my prayers for the Lord to keep bleesing and guiding all of you at all times. Liliana (Jen's roommate)
Hi Laurie, Love the pictures & running narrative. We're so proud of you for your commitment to this mission trip and pray God's blessings upon everyone in your group and those you touch. Love, Mom & Dad
hola mis hermanos y hermanas en Dios (hello my brothers and sisters in God)
I hope that God works through out you guys(and gals). We are praying for you back in the states.
-the harvest is plenty but the workers are few
~The Chungs
Grace, you are too funny! I'm so glad to be able to read about all your adventures! I am praying for all of you, and hope the rest of the week is great!
Kristin...HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY! I'm so glad y'all are posting every day...it's awesome to read what God is doing! We can't wait to see you and hear all about it when you get back. You are ALL in our prayers.
Love, Sherri
(P.S. LOVE the Buenos Nachas part...hilarious!)
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